In China, 90% of sodium hydrosulfite(Na2 S2 O4 ) projects and accompanied with SO2 devices, sodium pyrosulfite(Na2 S2 O5 ) projects, sodium sulfite(Na2 SO3 ) projects, and sodium formate(HCOONa) projects are designed, constructed, and transformed by us. Also, we have provided technology solutions to some overseas companies in India, Turkey, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, etc. All the projects are successfully in starting system at the 1st time. Hunan Maunsell Chemical New Technology Co, Ltd. is a technical supplier with the most achievements, the richest experience and advanced technology in this field.
Recent achievements:
1)In 2008, 100,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project, 10,000 tons/year of sodium sulfite project (including 50,000 tons/year of liquid SO2 , 50,000 tons/year sodium pyrosulfite project) for Hubei Yihua Chemicals. The system went to operation in Sep. 2009, it has the best comprehensive operation indexes in China.
2)100,000 tons/year of sodium formate project for Neimeng Yihau Chemicals (produce sodium formate by calcium carbide tail gas).
3)100,000 tons/year of sodium formate project for Luxi Chemicals (produce sodium formate by synthetic ammonia).
4)In 2011, 100,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project, 10,000 tons/year sodium sulfite deivce (including 50,000 tons/year liquid SO2, 50,000 tons/year sodium pyrosulfite, 55,000 tons/year sodium formate device) for CNSG. This system is in the process of constructing, we have made improvement based on Yihan system.
5)15,000 tons/year sodium sulfite project for Zhejiang Huidelong INC.
6)50,000 tons/year sodium sufltie device for Hubei Qianjiang Chemicals.
7)Recent years, almost all sodium hydrosulfite projects were provided technical preocess package by us. Including:
a. 100,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project, 10,000 tons/year sodium sulfite deivce (accompanied liquid SO2 , sodium pyrosulfite, sodium formate devices) for CNSG.
b. 35,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project ( accompanied with SO2 and sodium pyrosulfite devices) for Jiangxi Hongan Chemicals. This system was successfully run in September at the 1st time.
c. 30,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project (accompanied with SO2 , and sodium pyrosulfite devices) for Shangdong Yiseng Chemicals.
d. 100,000 tons/year of sodium hydrosulfite project (accompanied with SO2 , sodium pyrosulfite, sodium formate devices) for An Hua Group, this system was successfully run in Octorber at the 1st time.
We are keeping pursuing of maximum utilization of resources,development of green technology, making hard efforts to achieve recycling economy; and we have made breakthroughs in many fields.
1)For sodium hydrosulfite project, we have made continuous improvement in raw material ratio, equipment selection, layout, material transfer, convenient operation, automation, etc. for many years. This makes our average product purity >90.5%, and the system is run with simple and convenient operation, safety layout, and more reasonable logistics.
2)Synthesis unit, drying unit, and neutralization unit, etc. for sodium hydrosulfite were improved their equipment, so the system has better safety, and control stability.
3)Technologies of sodium pyrophosphate and sodium sulfite have realized “0” discharge of waste water, and waste gas discharge is better than Chinese national standard.
4)Improved solid sulfur burning process, it has advantages of burning temperature stable, burning completely, simple and reliable.
5)The consumption of energy reduces 40% for sodium formate, and carbon and caustic soda yield is more than 99.8%.
6)By years of design, construction experiences, automation degree of sodium hydrosulfite system has got big improvement. Effeciency has got improved, also operation stability and product quality are improved, and labors are reduced, cost are rediced.
Our pursuit and core values“Science creates future, integrity wins market”.